The design approaches of our office always based on aesthetic balance, intuitive functionality, and respect towards the environment, natural and artificial, placing people and their needs at the center of each study. Innovative ideas and practical three-dimensional design and illustration art, helps us to attribute the best possible result.

  • Design building renovations
  • Design residential - apartment buildings - hotels - dining areas - offices - shops
  • Design surrounding areas
  • Design lighting
  • Design Bio-climatic buildings
  • Building permits


Since 1991 our experience in the constructions enables us to respond to any kind of challenge using cutting-edge technologies and reliable materials with particular insistence on insulating and energy efficiency issues and most importantly on the safety of construction. We are working in an environment of reliability and trust which is the link for providing the best service and satisfaction of our customers.

  • Construction and supervising construction
  • Special application construction
  • After sales monitoring



The purpose and value of any investment in real estate is our primary purpose of designing and for this reason we counseling our clients through valid economic and technical analysis by our qualified personnel.

  • Consulting services in the fields of real estate valuation
  • Building permits
  • Real estate development
  • Business plan analysis
  • Technical and economical project planing
  • Market mapping and business opportunities
  • Urban planning data analysis of the property area
  • Inclusion property to a specific business plan.


Real estate services are provided for the buildings constructed by our company whether they are for sale or for rent. It includes all the processes for the coordination of the procedures for building transmission or its renting.